Monday, February 11, 2013

30 Days Of Blogging Prompts Day 2 and 3

February 10,2013

I found the 3o Days Of Blogging Prompts over at Kisha Jaggers at The Glamorous Life of a French Housewife
Who is joining up with Brooke with Covered in Grace for this 30 Days of Blogging Prompts! It should be a lot of fun.

30 days of blogging prompts.


Day 2: Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and describe how they became fears.

{1} Fear of losing the people I love~~I lost my mother to a heart attack in 1992 when she never had any heart problems, I was devastated, she was my best friend!
Lost my dear brother~in~law Barry, March 2011....he was to be in the hospital for 24 hours for observation after a car accident. He had a pin put in his arm. The day he was to come home he turned to worse...He was in the hospital for 19 days before he passed away from an infection he got from the hospital.
For years I watched my Dad struggle with my mothers death, tried to imagine losing JR, it's to much to bear!!
My dad ended up with colon cancer in 2008, the doctor gave him 3 months. My dad always said the only two people that knows when its time for him to go was him and the lord above! And he wasn't ready. August 2011 he wasn't able to live on his own so he moved in with JR and I and I was by his side till the day he passed away Oct. 2011
This by all means my #1 fear!!

{2} Elevators: I'm not intirely sure how this became a fear. I absolutly hate being in an elevator. It's really bad, when the door starts to close I get nervous and sick on my stomache. Steps for me!!!

{3} House Fire: Again I'm not sure how this became a fear. I have never been in a house fire! It might be because I seen my cousin Robert & his family and my Sister & her family lose everything due to house fires. Then again i'm not sure that is even it cause I can remember I was scared of house fires when I was little long before their house fires.


Day 3: Describe your relationship with your parents.
I'v been thinking and talking about this with my husband the past couple of days and the conversation we had got me thinking how grateful I was to have my parents in my life, I mean I've always known that my whole entire life. Honestly I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them and be the person I am today.
My parents was the most imporant people in my life and I was very close to them.
My Mom and Dad was always there for both my brothers and I. They always treated all three of us the same never loved one of us more than the other. They took really good care of us! We never had a babysitter {unless my dad went to see my mom in the hospital or Christmas shopping and then it was my uncle Bill } If my parents went somewhere we went with them if they couldn't take us they didn't go.
My Mom was my best friend! She is my Hero!! I was always able to depend on her to be there for me no matter what! We spent alot of time at home when I was growing up talking about everything and playing games.
She had been sick almost my whole life and in and out of hospitals. I was 28 when my Mother passed away at the age of 66 May 16,1992. It has been 20 years and seems like yesterday. I can honestly say I have never accepted her death. I don't think there is a day that goes by I don't cry for her.
My Dad....Also my Hero! I was his shadow. There was not a time or place I didn't go with him.
He took care of me my whole life!
I was happy to have moved him in with my husband and I in August 2011 to take care of him when he needed taken care of. I was by his side till the day he passed away at home October 6,2011.

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