Saturday, June 3, 2017
Lazy Bones

Saturday 9: Lazy Bones (1975)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) This song is about a guy who'd rather nap than do his chores. Are there things you should be doing right now, instead of hanging around the blogosphere, answering these questions?
Oh Yes, There is tons of things I should be doing!!
2) This song mentions a lazy afternoon of fishing. When did you last go fishing?
Last time I went fishing was back in 2014, We lived on the edge of the river when we lived in Ohio and we was able to go fishing everyday.
3) The lyrics catch our hero sleeping in both the sun and the shade. Do you have a nice, shady place to nap on your front lawn? Or would we catch you lying in the sun?
We have a nice size yard with half shade & half sunny, Though you will catch me napping in my bed.
4) This week's featured artist, Leon Redbone, is a difficult man to nail down. Over the years he's claimed to be born in Ontario, and Philadelphia, and even Cyprus. Tell us about a time you got caught in a fib.
It's been years ago!
5) Mr. Redbone has said that taking himself too seriously would be "the gentle kiss of death." What's something that you always take seriously and just can't joke about?
People weight
6) He has retired from public life, and that includes his Facebook page, which is no longer available. What did you last post to your Facebook page?
Today.....I'm on Facebook everyday & off & on all day long
7) Leon always wore dark glasses when he performed. Do your sunglasses have gray, green, brown or rose colored lenses?
I don't wear sunglasses
8) Recently Dick Van Dyke performed this song at a charity benefit, aided by his a capella quartet, The Vantastix. Last year, at age 90, he campaigned for Bernie Sanders. So Mr. Van Dyke is certainly not a "lazy bones." Who's the most active, energetic person in your life?
Our friend Mike
9) Random question: You're at dinner with friends and someone begins a very long joke with, "Stop me if you've heard this before." You have heard it, many times before. Do you stop him? Or do you just sit through it again?
I would just sit through it again
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