1} Would you rather be stuck on an island alone or with someone
who talks incessantly?
With someone who talks incessantly
2} Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
To Cold ~ I don't like the heat!
3} When you’re old, would you rather die before or after your spouse?
Before my Spouse ~ JR is my life
4} Would you rather have a cook or a maid?
Cook ~ I hate cooking
5} Would you rather be the youngest or the oldest sibling?
I'm happy being the youngest
6} Would you rather get rich through hard work or through winning the lottery?
Through Hard Work but since I'm not able to work I'll take winning the lottery
7} Would you rather have a 10-hour dinner with a headstrong politician from an opposing party, or attend a 10-hour concert for a music group you detest?
10~Hour Dinner with a headstrong politician from an opposing party ~ I'm sure I can piss
them off
8} Would you rather be an Olympic gold medalist or a Nobel Peace Prize winner?
Olympic gold medalist
9} Would you rather have a desk job or an outdoor job?
Desk Job
10} Would you rather live at the top of a tall NYC apartment building or at the top of a mountain?
Top of a Mountain
11} Would you rather have Rambo or The Terminator on your side?
12} Would you rather be proposed to in private or in front of family and friends?
I would have liked it done in private but, I was proposed to in front of my adult stepson on
Christmas morning
13} Would you rather have to sew all your clothes or grow your own food?
Grow all my food
14} Would you rather hear the good news or the bad news first?
Good News first
15} Would you rather be your own boss or work for someone else?
Be my own boss
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