I'm doing this blog as tears running down my cheek and wondering how anyone harm any beautiful child!
I won't go into what I think should happen to this guy but being on a million dollar bond just isn't enough!!
This is my {step} great nephew CHASE!
Chase is a 20 month-old toddler who was a victim of child abuse from a non-relative {while he was with his mother}. He is currently in critical condition at Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh.
Chase was such a happy little boy!
Chase and my niece.

The beginning of September he had fell down the steps {Did he, We wonder now}.....
But he was still a happy, all smiles little man!

If Anyone can answer "How could anyone abuse a child / baby" Chase had a broken right leg and the left his upper thigh as you see above.
I would really love to know how someone could do it.
Chase is in critical condition for the past two weeks fight for his life!
Chase had surgery yesterday 10-16-13 to have another tube in his head to drain more fluid so now he has two tubes in his head.
Please keep this precious Little boy in your prayers!

This is so sad. My heart aches for you, his mom and the family. I will keep him in my prayers. ((HUGS))